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Kyllä, käytämme ainoastaan alustoja, joilla on korkean yritystason tietoturva ja jotka ovat sitoutuneet korkeimpiin kansainvälisiin tietosuoja- ja turvallisuusmääräyksiin. Suojaussertifikaatit sisältävät PCI DSS Level 1:n, Soc 2 Type 2:n ja useat ISO:t, ja ne ovat GDPR:n, CCPA:n ja LGPD:n mukaisia.


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Classic Website

5-page website template tailored to your business.

2 950 euroa
Remote & Zoom

Palvelun kuvaus

Classic 5-page website to gain standard digital presence to aim for growth. INCLUDING - Web design & development - Responsive design on all devices - Brand colours, fonts, and images - Tailored content - Basic SEO settings - Social media links - Email integration - Contact form - New domain or domain transfer - First month hosting fee - Privacy Statement template PAGE EXAMPLES - About Us - Services - Team - Reviews - Contact Us MOBILE OPTIMIZATION All our websites are mobile-friendly and optimized to adapt to different mobile devices. The site is easily and clearly accessible with various modern mobile devices such as tablets and phones. SEO OPTIMIZATION We guarantee a search engine-friendly implementation. All our websites are search engine optimized, and the development process ensures the site's discoverability in each process step and each structural addition. The following details are part of our web development process to ensure the site's search engine visibility: - SSL certificate - Image optimization - Adding metadata (meta titles and meta descriptions) - ALT texts for image files - Search engine-friendly address paths (URL) - Cookie notification function in accordance with the EU data protection regulation (GDPR compatible/required by the European Data Protection Commissioner) - Google sitemap integration SECURITY Enterprise-grade security committed to the highest international privacy and security regulations. Security certificates include PCI DSS Level 1, Soc 2 Type 2 and several ISOs, and are compliant with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD. - Threat prevention & 24/7 real-time detection - Secure software development - Safe data encryption - Secure Payment & anti-fraud - Third-party risk management DELIVERY 30 days from the Kick Off Call. BILLING NET30 + 20% down payment. Down payment must be paid online when booking the service. Rest of the payment is due in 30 days from order. Book the Kick-Off meeting from our service calendar. and describe your project and wishes regarding the website in the notes section. Prepare your site images, logos, text content and other materials you wish to use at your site for the first online meeting!

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